Group Texting – Why Sending Group Texts Are So Effective for Many Industries (Not Just Marketing)
For many people, it’s hard to imagine a time when they didn’t have a mobile phone by their side. In reality, the widespread adoption of the mobile phone is a fairly recent development. The mobile was first invented in 1973, but it wasn’t until around 20 years later that a larger public adoption of the mobile took place – around the same time that the first text message was sent. Fast forward 25 years, and 5 billion people have mobile phone connections.
As the mobile has risen in prominence around the world, so have the capabilities of the device. Today, the 237.72 million mobile users in the USA have access to so much more than just call and text, but these two mediums of communication have barely wavered in their popularity.
Text messaging is widely considered to be one of the most popular forms of communication in the world, with research by Portio showing that around 8.3 trillion texts are being sent a year. Over time, the capabilities of text messaging have increased, introducing the world to a new medium of communication – group text messaging.
Sending group texts has become the norm for many businesses, as a faster and more effective way to communicate with their audience on a regular basis. Group text messaging has developed into a leading marketing technique for industries around the world, but now, more and more industries are looking at the potential of group text messaging as more than just a leading tool to get a return on investment.
Group Text Messaging and Marketing: Breaking the Mold
Group text messaging and marketing have long been tied together as a perfect partnership to attract customers and engage with them on a personal level. By sending group texts, a business is able to enjoy an extent of reach that has never been seen before, and get their message across in new, exciting, and innovative ways.
There are a lot of advantages to sending group texts for a business, but many industries are now realizing that the main advantages of group texting are transferable. They can enjoy the same extent of reach, the same ease of management, and the same engagement, that group text messaging offers a business, but for different purposes entirely.
Instead of making use of group texting software to send out polls and coupons, industries can start sending group texts to stay in contact with employees, remind patients of appointments, and interact with parents to share important educational information. While group texting was once largely seen as a medium for marketing and advertisement, it’s now becoming an essential tool to share information quickly, effectively, and directly.
Complete Control over Sending Group Texts
One shift in group text messaging to better tailor the medium to use in different industries, is the ability to stay in greater control over the group texting software that is used. Control over sending group texts can come in multiple forms, each designed to make processes simpler and more direct – getting messages to the right people at the right time. One of the most exciting developments in group text messaging is the ability to segment contacts in as many ways as you like.
For marketing use, sending group texts is often used to target a large database of customers at a single time. For different industries, and indeed for marketing, the ability to divide groups and manage them easily has made sending group texts much simpler and more effective; especially in industries where a large group text messaging contact list may have accumulated but the contacts are all after different services or require varying information.
Group segmentation allows you to categorize your contact list into different groups, and then start sending group texts with ease. In education, this could mean separating the parents of children in different grades or setting up groups for field trips. In sport and entertainment industries, this could mean separating players and fans, or dividing members of a gym into the clubs that they belong to.
Within a single industry, this allows you to approach group text messaging in diverse ways, capitalizing on the form of communication to fit the needs of different individuals all involved in the same industry. The ability to better-control group text messaging doesn’t stop at group segmentation though.
With the right group texting software, you can use sub-accounts to delegate work and allow others to have access to limited messaging features. There is the option of scheduling, that can be used in multiple industries to plan texts in advance and make sure that reminders are sent out on time. There are even options for recurring group text messages and autoresponders, allowing industries to tailor the group texts to their exacting needs.
As the capabilities of group texting advances, so do it’s use in different industries, making everyday communication and the provision of important information much easier. Each new development not only expands the uses for group texting in a marketing capacity, but also its ability to fit in and streamline the processes in every industry sector.
How Sending Group Texts Fits into Different Industries
Virtually every industry can benefit from the addition of group texting in their overall communication plan. The direct method can take over from the classic practice of sending letters, which take a significant amount of time to arrive, or emails, which are not always read.
Around 90% of text messages are read within 3 minutes of being received. In marketing terms, this translates to a great reach, open rate, and speed. In different industries, this means that information is going to be read and understood in as short of a time as possible. Key information that once took days to share, can now be sent and read with ease, without having to individually address each message to each person or make separate phone calls.
Through contact segregation, the right messages will always reach the right people, allowing for personal information, like appointment reminders, to be sent without concern. The chain-like system keeps every contact separate, despite receiving the same information; allowing an industry to undertake multiple conversions at once, whilst retaining privacy.
It’s the unique medium of sending group texts that allows it to be so effective in different industries. From use in schools to an essential device in the entertainment industry, there are endless ways in which group text messaging can be used outside of the marketing industry.
Group Text Messaging for Doctors and Medical Professionals
The first industry where sending group texts is particularly useful is the medical industry. This includes doctor’s surgeries, dentists, chiropractors, and any other service that is dedicated to the health and well-being of their patients. The use of group texting can even extend to veterinarian practices, with updates and reminders on the well-being of pets.
In this setting, sending group texts will take on a completely different format than what is commonly seen in advertising. Software for group text messaging can be used to keep patients engaged in good health practices, remind patients of upcoming appointments, and help patients to take advantage of the different groups available.
Importantly, sending group texts is a very private form of communication. The message is delivered directly to the patients’ phone; allowing for quick, private, and personal texts to be sent with ease. Through group text messaging you can help to nurture patient-doctor relationships and provide information that is relevant to each patient individually and in groups.
Possible Uses for Group Texting
- - Sending group texts with reminders to patients about upcoming appointments
- - Sharing information to patients about vaccines and free checks
- - Providing information regarding current health concerns
- - Advertising changes to a surgery or practice
- - Warning patients of unexpected closing times or changes
- - Providing advice for health and fitness
- - Running campaigns for additional help, such as workshops to stop smoking
- - Sending follow-up texts after appointments
Group Text Messaging for Schools and Educational Groups
In 2016, there were 29.98 million children enrolled in public and private elementary school in the USA, and a further 15.33 million enrolled in high school. The average number of students in each elementary school in the USA is 470 – a large number of students, and parents, that a school needs to communicate with on a regular basis.
To stay in contact with students and their parents, schools need a form of fast communication that can be sent to specific groups with ease. Sending group texts more than meets this requirement, giving schools the ability to share crucial information or information about specific events, without having to spend hours drafting and sending out letters.
Parents can become more involved in their children’s schooling with advice and news on student activities, information about group trips, and fast access to news about unexpected events, closures, or illnesses in the school – all delivered via group texting software.
Group text messaging in an academic setting can be used, no matter the age of students. In colleges and universities, faculty can communicate directly with students; keeping in touch with students past and present. From youth groups to collage alumni, any information and news in an educational setting can be shared quickly and effectively by sending group texts.
Possible Uses for Group Texting
- - Sharing details for upcoming school field trips or activities
- - Warning parents of current illnesses in the school or allergies
- - Sharing changes to school rules, such as rules surrounding school dress code
- - Providing details of school events and fairs
- - Informing parents of unexpected closures, such as in bad weather
- - Keeping parents up to date with school news
- - Advertising new morning and afternoon activities
- - Keeping in touch with older students
- - Getting feedback from parents or students
Group Text Messaging for Day Cares
Just as sending group texts can play an important role in parent-school and student-school relationships, it can also play a big role in the streamlined management of day cares. The young age at which children begin day care, arguably makes it more important to be able to have a direct line of communication to parents at all times.
Through group text messaging, a day care center can bring important information to a parent’s attention immediately. This can include news about delays in traffic, recent illnesses suffered by children in the day care, essential information about upcoming events, and even updates on their children’s development.
A day care group text messaging system provides care providers with a greater control over the management of children in their charge and the level of parental involvement. All communication will be fast, including both the creation of the text and the delivery. This ensures that parents can act quickly and are always well-informed about the well-being of their children.
Possible Uses for Group Texting
- - Informing parents of changes to pick-up times
- - Group texting to provide updates on what the children have been up to during the day
- - Getting parent feedback about practices, changes, or upcoming activities
- - Sending group texts to warn parents of illnesses
- - Sharing news of day care events and activities, like picture day
- - Providing information about equipment that needs to be brought
- - Reminders about when payment is due
Group Text Messaging for Sport and Entertainment Industries
The sport and entertainment industry span everything from live events to gyms and sports groups. In each corner of the industry there is a different requirement when it comes to communication with customers, regulars, team members, or just an audience of avid fans.
All areas of the entertainment and sport industries can benefit from sending group texts in some capacity, from payment reminders for gym memberships to sharing information about upcoming matches and practices between members of a sports team.
One of the best areas of group texting for sport and entertainment is the ability to coordinate texts with coverage of live events. Group text messaging can expand the level of audience involvement considerably, creating a buzz around an event with great levels of engagement. There are few better ways to get an audience talking than by getting them involved in an event by sending group texts as and when the action happens.
Possible Uses for Group Texting
- - Sending group texts to allow contacts to take part in interactive sweepstakes
- - Including fans in current events by requesting comments and photos
- - Keeping conversions going during live events
- - Sharing news of upcoming activities
- - Reminding players/fans of upcoming practice sessions or matches
- - Offering coupons for future events
- - Providing information about changes and current news
- - Advertising new groups and activities
- - Sharing news about new equipment or changes to gym practices
- - Sending group texts to warn customers of unexpected closures or cancelled events
- - Payment reminders for sports services
Group Text Messaging for Employers and Employees
Communication between employers and employees needs to be clear, direct, and fast, something that can be difficult to achieve when you have multiple groups working on different projects, and employees that work remotely. The segmentation of contacts in group text messaging allows this quick and concise information delivery to become a reality.
The business world moves fast, but group texting moves faster. Being able to send information quickly can prevent project delays, stop miscommunication, and keep a remote workforce focused on a single goal with an assurance that everyone has exactly the same information.
The growing number of employees that spend some or all of their time working remotely (recent research reveals that 43% of the workforce works remotely to some degree), has meant that communication has been required to advance. From work assignments to group project communication, sending group texts between employers and employees can revolutionize the way that a workforce stays connected.
Possible Uses for Group Texting
- - Assigning new work to remote employers
- - Sending group texts as reminders about work due
- - Sharing changes to company structure
- - Keeping employees informed about company news
- - Sharing information between a group working on the same project
- - Group text messaging to provide warnings about changes to work hours or unexpected workplace changes
- - Sending group texts to keep in touch with a remote workplace
- - Providing information to large groups at once
Group Text Messaging for Transportation Companies and Services
Group texting can be personal, but it can also be incredibly practical – something that is of the upmost importance in the travel industry. In 2015, around 47 million trains were delayed in the UK. Delays lead to billions of passengers, for trains alone, having to accommodate the loss of minutes or even hours in their day.
One solution to this problem, that can span every transport industry, is group text messaging. While it can’t account for every passenger, group texting could save a considerable amount of trouble for transport companies and passengers that rely on daily commutes. Sending group texts to warm travelers in advance provides time to make the necessary adjustments.
In the transport industry, sending group texts can also help with hired transportation reminders and company development, with easy access to feedback from hundreds, thousands, or millions of customers. In an industry where speed is of the essence, the direct approach of group texting and exceptional open rate, makes sure that there are never delays in the sharing of information.
Possible Uses for Group Texting
- - Warnings about transport delays and problems
- - Sending group texts with updates on transport arrival times or arrival notifications
- - Reminders about hired transportation
- - Providing information about changes to transport
- - Group text messaging with warnings about upcoming problems that may interrupt travel
- - Follow up texts about customer experience
- - Feedback requests about changes to transport
Group Text Messaging for Sales and Service Industries
In the sales and services industries, group texting is often associated only with sales marketing as a leading way to outperform traditional marketing techniques. However, it can also be utilized for other purposes within the industry, helping businesses and customers to connect and stay informed with latest developments.
Here, sending group texts can send a personal message, engaging customers with company changes and encouraging them to provide feedback on experiences. Just like in a medical setting, group texting can be used to provide customers with appointment reminders and follow-up texts about the service experiences.
New events can be promoted with ease and targeted at customers who are interested specifically in the type of event. Recent additions to stock can be shared and the group text messaging software can even be used in a management sense, to keep track of employees, share time tables, and communicate early closures. From sending bulletins to employees to keeping in contact with customer groups, group texting and sales is more than just a marketing tool.
Possible Uses for Group Texting
- - Sending customer appointment reminders
- - Follow-up texts about customer experience after a service
- - Informing customers of important changes or unexpected closures
- - Group texting reminders about appointment cancellations
- - Advertising new events or discount sales
- - Informing customers of new products or services
- - Encouraging customers to get interactive with a business with feedback, comments, and photos
- - Using texting software to provide loyalty schemes that offer customer rewards
- - Sharing timetable information or changes to a timetable
Group Text Messaging for Non-Profits
Non-profit organizations play an important role in development around the world, bringing important information about causes to the attention of the wider population and creating awareness about causes that require immediate action. To make sure that non-profit organizations get the kind of exposure, reach, and audience, that they need to continuing do such outstanding work, effective communication is essential.
Group texting is an easy way for all types of non-profit organization to achieve a direct line of communication to a large audience of potential donators. They can raise awareness of causes through group text messaging and keep the line of communication open during important developments and events, whether they are organized live events or events in the aftermath of serious problems.
Sending group texts makes it easy to provide updates, send thank you notifications for donations, and remind people to donate to certain causes. Texting can be used during campaigns, as an emergency measure, and to rally people towards a set cause. With group text messaging, any message can reach a large audience in a matter of minutes, helping non-profit organizations to further their goals of raising awareness to the important issues in our world.
Possible Uses for Group Texting
- - Sending group texts about important causes
- - Spreading awareness about local and global problems
- - Sharing news on how different projects are getting on
- - Updates on changes and advancements
- - Feedback requests and requests for comments/photos
- - Providing information about new events and activities
- - Group text messaging used to provide updates on donation totals
- - Reminders about time left to donate to a cause
- - Thank-you texts to donators
- - Volunteer management for different projects
- - Motivational group text messages to highlight the importance of a cause
The Top Tools for Building a Group Texting Database
Non-profit organizations play an important role in development around the world, bringing important information about causes to the attention of the wider population and creating awareness about causes that require immediate action. To make sure that non-profit organizations get the kind of exposure, reach, and audience, that they need to continuing do such outstanding work, effective communication is essential.
Group texting is an easy way for all types of non-profit organization to achieve a direct line of communication to a large audience of potential donators. They can raise awareness of causes through group text messaging and keep the line of communication open during important developments and events, whether they are organized live events or events in the aftermath of serious problems.
Sending group texts makes it easy to provide updates, send thank you notifications for donations, and remind people to donate to certain causes. Texting can be used during campaigns, as an emergency measure, and to rally people towards a set cause. With group text messaging, any message can reach a large audience in a matter of minutes, helping non-profit organizations to further their goals of raising awareness to the important issues in our world.
Possible Uses for Group Texting
- - Sending group texts about important causes
- - Spreading awareness about local and global problems
- - Sharing news on how different projects are getting on
- - Updates on changes and advancements
- - Feedback requests and requests for comments/photos
- - Providing information about new events and activities
- - Group text messaging used to provide updates on donation totals
- - Reminders about time left to donate to a cause
- - Thank-you texts to donators
- - Volunteer management for different projects
- - Motivational group text messages to highlight the importance of a cause
The Top Tools for Building a Group Texting Database
Recent research has revealed that people check their phones, on average, 47 times each and every day. 81% of those studied checked their phones in the hour before they went to bed and 89% checked in the hour after they had woken up. This extent of this diligence has allowed group text messaging to become such a relied upon tool in many industries, always ensuring that a message gets across quickly.
However, the first step towards taking full advantage of the effectiveness of sending group texts, starts with building up a contact list. This is a process that should be ongoing, no matter the industry that you’re in.
For some industries, like those in the medical sector, the advancements to group texting has made it easier for patients to sign-up to receive messages that are important to them. For other industries, the tools for group texting available make it easier to find new consumers and enable them to sign up to the right groups.
The tools for building a group texting database and ensuring continued engagement, are incredibly diverse. Some of the most effective tools are web widgets, keywords, integration for social media, kiosks, and loyalty programs.
Web Widget Sign-Up Forms
A web widget sign-up form is an easy and straightforward way to allow customers to sign-up to a contact list by filling in a form on a website. This is one of the most affordable ways to grow a group text messaging contact list with individuals that are new to a business or industry, and those that are already familiar with the industry but want more information. Using a sign-up form on a website, or even linked through emails, is a great way to attract individuals who are currently using other platforms to interact with you.
An example of the use of a web widget sign-up form would be on a non-profit’s website, where it could be directed at those looking for more information about the latest campaigns or other relevant information.
Customer Keywords
The use of keyword sign-ups makes joining up to a contact list easier than ever before. All a person needs to do to sign-up to a certain group texting list is to text in a predetermined keyword. This keyword can be advertised in any medium, such as through TV commercials, on a website, or on posters. With this service, you gain immediate knowledge about the kind of information that the group wants as every member will have voluntarily signed up for the group texting.
An example of keyword sign-ups would be posters in a doctor’s waiting room or similar place, advertising new groups that can be joined or additional information for certain groups of people, like parents with young children.
Social Media Integration
Social media integration allows you to target a new group of people that are currently using a different platform to communicate on. You can choose to share your texts on social media to expand your reach or choose to use social media to offer people the option of signing up to group text messaging.
An example of social media integration would be sending information about upcoming school events via text and, at the same time, straight to a social media account – increasing the audience of the message.
Kiosk Displays
A recent advancement in the capabilities of texting software is the use of digital kiosk displays – a great user-friendly tool for developing engagement. The kiosk can provide a straightforward and interactive way to get customers to sign-up to one of your group text messaging services with ease, all whilst on your premises. This is also a key tool for developing loyalty to a brand or service and can be matched with many additional group texting loyalty features – voiding the need of physical loyalty cards.
An example of using a kiosk display would be in a store, where customers can sign into the kiosk, join a group on the spot, and gain access to additional loyalty rewards.
Loyalty Features
It costs less to retain customers than it does to get new ones, which is why sending group texts with the right loyalty features is so important. In conjunction with the digital kiosk, digital loyalty punch cards are one of the most engaging features of the software involved in sending group texts. This allows customers to gain a reward when they collect a set number of points, which will be instantly sent to them via text. Not only does this help to retain existing customers, but it’s a great way to encourage new customers to sign up to a new text messaging contact list.
An example of using loyalty features like a punch card, would be in gym setting. Customers who have visited the gym a set number of times or been a member at the gym for a set number of months, could be rewarded with free time in the gym or free access to clubs.
Sending Group Texts: The Future of Industry Communication
The practice of sending group texts may be most widely known for its association with advertising and marketing, but the diverse way that you can use group texting is enabling it to become an indispensable tool to many industries. Group text messaging is not just a way to engage with customers but a way to engage with parents, patients, and employees.
The possibilities of group texting are expanding all the time, with new introductions, like the use of a loyalty kiosk, making the form of direct communication a much more effective medium for all manner of industries. New ways of sending group texts is emerging all the time, with the purposes for sending group texts growing and developing.
While group text messaging will continue to be a leading tool for marketing, it will also continue to have a bigger and more diverse presence in every industry area. No matter the industry, if fast and effective communication is required, software for group texting can deliver.